ICEP Guidelines


  • All fourth year medical students participating in International Clinical Electives, regardless of whether they are in the Global Health Track or not, must register for IDIS 352 and apply through the International Medicine Programs (IMP) office. IDIS 352 must be at least four weeks in duration in order to obtain credit.  
  • All students participating in a one to two week medical mission for elective credit must register for IDIS 349 and apply through the IMP office.
  • Emergency Medicine – Due to EMED LCME policies, students are required to take this course either at GW or an Accredited U.S. based Medical School. There will be no exceptions.
  • Neurology or Neurosurgery Space is limited to (1) GW student per site, per academic year, based on first come, first served and availability at the partner site. Students selected to participate in this clinical rotation abroad, must seek the permission of either Dr. Pritha Ghosh or Dr. James Reese to be considered.
  • Psychiatry – Students must speak the language of the chosen country in order to participate in a Psychiatry rotation.


  • Students’ grades for IDIS 349 and 352 will be issued by Dr. Ayas. The grade will be a combination of the student’s elective evaluation (completed by in-country mentor) and the student’s reflection paper completed after the elective (to be assessed by Dr. Ayas).
  • All students will send to impinfo [at] (impinfo[at]gwu[dot]edu): their elective evaluations and upload reflection papers to Blackboard (GHT Students only). Copies of documents will be submitted to the Dean’s office along with student’s final grade, whereby student’s grades can be entered.
  • Students who go abroad without properly registering for IDIS 349 or 352 without first receiving approval from the IMP office will not receive credit for their elective.


  • International Clinical Rotations: Students must be able to perform standard clinical duties during their rotation abroad and are expected to work with a designated faculty mentor, who will evaluate the student’s progress.
  • Operation Smile Missions: Students will report to a selected mentor for the country chosen for the mission.

Scholarship Information (MSIV)

  • International Clinical Electives Program (ICEP) Scholarship: The ICEP Scholarship provides third and fourth year medical students with the opportunity to enrich and diversify their medical education, broaden their public health knowledge and deepen their commitment to services by supporting experiential learning abroad. Students must be accepted into a GW affiliated or non-affiliated site before funds are awarded.

Guidelines for MSIV Clinical Elective Reflection Papers

For: IDIS 349 and 352

All Reflection Papers must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Name, Dates of Rotation, Location and Email Address
  • 2-4 page paper (recommended length) or a 1 page paper along with a 5 minute video using a Video Recorder or a Smart Phone (optional)
  • 12 font and double spaced
  • JAMA or APA format if applicable
  • Part I should include Logistics:
    • Problems with housing, food, transportation?
    • Was language a barrier to your educational learning?
    • Travel advice for someone else going
    • Anything you wish has been provided for you logistically that was not.
  • Part II should focus on your academic experience:
    • What did you learn?
    • Did the elective align with your initial goals and objectives
    • Comparison between US and country visited
    • What else do you wish you had learned more about?
    • Results and implications (if applicable)
    • Recommendations for future study or further expansion on the experience
  • Part III will be any additional information you would like to add

In order to receive credit from the Dean’s office for your IDIS 349 and 352 clinical electives, this paper, along with your signed evaluation form must be returned in the IMP Office, 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20037. 

All students must submit their Evaluation and Reflection paper approximately two weeks after returning from their International Clinical Elective or Medical/Surgical Mission.